Current Issue : April-June Volume : 2016 Issue Number : 2 Articles : 1 Articles
Assessment of chocolate toxicity is often carried out by veterinarians in pet clinics. The more reliable method used for this assessment is described here. The calculations involved in the assessment are complex, confusing, time consuming and not easily reproducible. Spreadsheet is a computer application in which data are arranged in rows and columns of a grid and can be manipulated and used in calculations. In today’s era of smart phones, tablet PCs and net books, where a spreadsheet program in the form of Microsoft Excel was readily accessible by most veterinarians, it should be possible to adapt the various laborious steps involved in the said method to a spreadsheet program by writing simple logical codes in the spreadsheets to do the calculations in a simple, clear, faster, reproducible, accurate and user‑friendly manner. This article describes a spreadsheet program (CHOCToxi Calc) to calculate the chocolate toxicity....